and Schroders have planning permission for a mixed use office and residential
scheme to redevelop the 9 acre Ruskin Square site adjacent to East Croydon
The Ruskin Square masterplan has been designed by Foster + Partners
with AHMM designing the residential elements. It has been produced in collaboration
with Croydon Council and as part of the Croydon Opportunity Area Planning Framework
following comprehensive public consultation. It will open up 9 acres of central
Croydon that has not been previously accessible and include
a new home for the Warehouse Theatre, high quality restaurants and
shops to serve the local community.
The scheme complements the East Croydon
Masterplan, led by Croydon Council, which will deliver £20m of improvements
to the Station, principally a new bridge that will be delivered in late 2013 providing
a new second Station entrance providing a new direct route connecting East Croydon
Station with the town centre through the site, for both passengers to the trains
and for movement across the railway tracks. This new route will be used every
day by approximately 20,000 people.
A first phase of housing could be
started to coincide with the expected opening date of the new footbridge in 2013.
Stanhope and Schroders will be actively marketing the office accommodation as
the economy recovers from recession but the offices will not be commenced speculatively.
We will remain
in our present building until the new theatre is built - your continued support
is critical to our future
Your Help We
thank everyone who has been involved in getting us to this stage. The extended
delay to the development has put great strain on us financially and any help
would be gratefully received - if there's something specific you would like to
sponsor, please call on 020 8681 1257 or email: to
contribute to our Fundraising activities: Warehouse
Theatre Company is a registered charity no. 272816 Please give generously and
remember to fill in the Gift Aid section: under the Gift Aid scheme, charities
can reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer.
also Easy Fundraising Help the Warehouse Theatre raise money just
by shopping online!
use Easy Fundraising to shop with over 2000 well known retailers like
Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay, John Lewis and many more and whenever you buy
something, the retailer donates money to us. It's completely free and your
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