The management of the company at present
is being accomplished on a voluntary basis.
With the collected donations, we have produced (in
association with Fairfield):
* the 27th International Playwriting Festival (IPF)
in June 2013 more
* the production of the outstanding play from IPF13
in October '13 more
* the 28th IPF on
Sat 17 & Sun 18 May 2014 more
* and the 29th IPF on
Sat 25 & Sun 26 July 2015 more
In 2016, we were able to resume our original name
and produced the 30th anniversay IPF
on 10 & 11 Sept
with support from Croydon Council
in a new theatre space - THEATRE IN THE CHAMBER

Help us keep the WAREHOUSE
SPIRIT alive:
we still need funds to keep going ...