selected plays for 2006 were:
Mother Russia
by New Zealand's Alex Evans
Death and Taxes
by London-based writing team
Mary Stewart-David & Beverley Hunt
The Cliff Witch and the Sea
by Hampshire based Hannah Ashwell
From the shortlisted plays,
the judges also liked and excerpts
were presented from:
The Soprano Frog
by Australian writer Michael Richards
The Swordfish, then the Concubine
by Malaysian writer Kee Thuan Chye
IPF's Italian partner Extra Candoni
presented Western Woman
by Rita Maffei
and IPF's Greek partner,
Nicosia-basedTheatro Ena
presented Beyond the Good
and the Bad by Nikos Nikolaides.
New work was also showcased
by the Warehouse Writers'Workshop
and the BRIT School.

director &
cast of
RUSSIA by Alex Evans
presented at
Teatro San Georgio,
May 2007